f. make group of three. find some public figures' photos,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nurafrilia80 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

F. make group of three. find some public figures' photos, then describe their physical appearances. write on a piece of paper and read it in the front of the class confidently!g. work in group of three. make sentences using the following words!
mr. jay is an interesting man.
1. careful
2. punctual
3. shy
4. creative
5. stubborn
6. brave
7. friendly
8. responsible

tolong bantu jawab kakak!!!​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


f. The death of black George Floyd, and the massive demonstrations denouncing the events, indicate that there are major issues that have not been resolved. The first is racism. There is a stereotype against black people who are considered to be still entrenched. The stereotype is that black citizens are close to crime. Therefore, a number of black residents are anxious that their lives are more threatened than white people because they are easily accused of acting criminally so they experience violence from the authorities. The death of Floyd, a black citizen accused of buying goods with counterfeit money in Minneapolis, State of Minnesota, seems to confirm that the stereotype is still quite strong.

g. 1. Be careful, kid 2. Remember on time! 3. You are really shy 4. We have to think creatively 5. Human basis is stubborn 6. Do you dare to me? 7. The child is very friendly, yes 8. You must be responsible if you have done something wrong


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Last Update: Wed, 04 Aug 21