Artiin ke bahasa Indonesi:The type of my pencil case is

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari septyadini6 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

Artiin ke bahasa Indonesi:The type of my pencil case is a long wallet the lenght is about 21 is made of synthetic leather and the color is black.the design is simple and i like it.i use it to keep stationery.the Small diagonal stripes fully decorate it.the brand and its logo are printed on the front side of the only takes a small space on the right corner of the front side ​

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The type of my pencil case is a long wallet the lenght is about 21 is made of synthetic leather and the color is black.the design is simple and i like it.i use it to keep stationery.the Small diagonal stripes fully decorate it.the brand and its logo are printed on the front side of the only takes a small space on the right corner of the front side


Jenis tempat pensil saya adalah dompet panjang panjangnya sekitar 21 cm. terbuat dari kulit sintetis dan warnanya hitam. desainnya sederhana dan saya suka. saya menggunakannya untuk menyimpan alat tulis.

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Last Update: Thu, 01 Sep 22