Read the passage carefully, and then answer the following questions.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari namelysa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the passage carefully, and then answer the following questions.Lucy : Hi, Tina? How was your vacation experience?

Tina : Hi Lucy. It was cool. I visited some countries.

Lucy : Wow. That was awesome. So what is the best one?

Tina : Well, I visited 3 countries in the world. In my own opinion, France is better

than Italy but the most perfect when I visited Spain.

Lucy : Yes, I agree with you that Spain is the best place but I am not sure if France is

better than Italy. In my view, Italy is more awesome than France.

Tina : Yups, we have a different opinion, but that’s ok, Lucy.

Lucy : That’s alright, Tina. It’s a nice conversation. See you around, Tina.

Tina : Ok. Have a nice day Lucy.

Lucy: So do you.

1. What does the dialogue talk about?

2. How was Tina’s vacation experience?

3. What countries did Tina visit?

4. What is Tina’s opinion about Spain?

5. What is Lucy’s opinion about Spain?

6. What is Tina’s opinion about France?

7. What is Lucy’s opinion about Italy?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. about vacation

2. it was cool

3. France country, Italy cauntry, Spain cauntry

4. the most perfect when visited Spain

5. agree Spain is best place

6. France is better

7. Italy is more awesome than Fance


maaf kalau salah

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Last Update: Wed, 28 Jul 21