Questions 12  to 14 refer to the following text.   Björn Rune Borg

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari adrianpatirn pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Questions 12  to 14 refer to the following text.   Björn Rune Borg was born on June 6, 1956, in Stockholm, Sweden, to parents Rune and Margarethe. Initially a hockey fan, Borg wasn't fond of tennis. At age 9 when his father brought home a tennis racket he had won as a prize in a ping-pong tournament. Borg caught the attention of tennis coach Percy Rosberg and began making regular three-hour round-trip train rides to meet with the instructor. He won his first tournament at age 11, and at 13 he won both the 13-and 14-year-old divisions of the Sweden National Junior Championships. His career on the upswing, he dropped out of school to devote himself to training full time. Borg qualified for the Swedish Davis Cup team at age 15 and won both of his singles matches. After becoming the 1972 Wimbledon junior champion and winning events in Berlin, Barcelona and Miami, he chose to be a professional tennis player. Borg first rose to prominence at Wimbledon in 1973, when adoring female fans lined up to get a glimpse of the handsome, mysterious Swede. His long blond hair tucked beneath a headband, Borg featured a distinct playing style with his two-handed backhand and topspin-heavy ground strokes. He won his first tournament just days before his 18th birthday, and two weeks later he became the youngest winner of the French Open.   12. What is the text about? ………… * 5 poin A junior championship events. A brief biography of an athlete. A tennis tournament in Sweden. A prominent game in Wimbledon ​

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A. winner weeks poin


maaf kalo slah

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Last Update: Sun, 19 Feb 23