Work in pairs. Read the sentences of unreal conditional below,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari marshalleverest298 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Work in pairs. Read the sentences of unreal conditional below, match each if conditional clause with the correct main clauses. A. Unreal Present Conditional a. the teacher would receive it b. we would keep our healthy we could travel all around the world d. you would not be sleepy the teacher would let join the class C. e. 1. If you went to sleep earlier, 2. If we had enough money, 3. If I weren't too late, 4. If you submitted the assignment on time, 5. If we had good healthy life,​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Below are the matched conditional and the main clauses:

  1. If you submitted the assignment on time, the teacher would receive it.
  2. If we had good healthy life, we would keep our health.
  3. If we had enough money, we could travel all around the world.
  4. If I weren't too late, the teacher would let you join the class.
  5. If you went to sleep earlier, you would not be sleepy.


If clause is a sentence used to describe an action or a situation that isn't certain, nor true or confirmed yet.

Types of if clause:

  • Type 1 (simple present): a situation that certainly will happen in the future.
  • Type 2 (simple past): a situation that might happen in the future.
  • Type 3 (past perfect): a situation that is not likely or will never happen.


  • Type 1: Will + Inv
  • Type 2: Would + Inv
  • Type 3: Would + have + past participle

Materi tentang if clause dapat disimak pada link berikut ini


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Last Update: Wed, 26 Jan 22