Ten years ago, my father (1) ______ (plant, plants, planted,

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari dotynsa pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Ten years ago, my father (1) ______ (plant, plants, planted, planting) two coconut trees in the backyard. The trees have (2) ________ (grew, grow, grown, growing) accordingly. Now, the trees seem to be (3) __________ (bear, bearing, born, bears) fruits soon. This can be seen from the (4) ________ (growing, grow, grown, grew) flowers that can be seen from the top of their trunks. So, soon we will (5) _____ (see, saw, seen, seeing) the ‘young’ fruits of the trees. However, in the last two years, our family members have been (6) _______ (think, thought, thinking, thinks) of cutting the coconut trees down. This is because we (7) _______ ( wants, want, wanted, wanting) to build a new house in the area where the trees grow. We will (8) _________ (build, built, building, builded) a new house for a new family of my elder sister who just (9) _______ (get, gets, getting, got) married two weeks ago. The new house will be (10) __________ (build, building, builded, built) in two stories. Not everyone in our family (11) ______ (agree, agrees, agreed, agreeing) with this plan. My mother, for example, always (12) __________ (argue, argued, argues, arguing) that the trees no need to be cut down. According to her, cutting down the trees (13) _______ (is, are, was, were) not a good solution. This is because the trees have (14) ________ (give, gave, gives, given) us a lot of pleasure so far. However, most of my family members maintain that these trees are to be cut down because we need a new house. Our family will (15) ________ (cut, cuts, cutting, cutted) down the trees in the next coming weeks

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

  1. planted
  2. grown
  3. bearing
  4. growing
  5. see
  6. thinking
  7. want
  8. build
  9. got
  10. built
  11. agrees
  12. argues
  13. is
  14. given
  15. cut

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Last Update: Thu, 26 Aug 21