Read the following tead, then anal questionelt My time in senior

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari psyafira711 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Read the following tead, then anal questioneltMy time in senior high school was so colorful when I enrolled to senior high school, i wa emazed by the
service, facilitar and many extracurricular that were promoted in the school. I was informed that there was a
movie club. I was very happy to know it because watching movie is my hobby since I was a kid Besides, I love
to join organization which can support my hobby. Furthermore, in that movie club, the activity was not only
watching and reviewing movie together. The most interested activity was making movie,
One day the leader of the movie club proposed on event to the headmaster. He would like to hild a
movie festival. He said that the movie festival was not only to expand the network of the movie club but it also
could promote a good image of my school. After convincing the headmaster, he announced that there
was held a meeting regard. I was very excited to involve in that movie festival
In the meeting, I was shocked that the club leader pointed me as the head project. It was an honour for me
on the other side, that would be a very big responsibility upon my shoulders. But, I would give my best effort
to make the event successful. A month ahead, I proved it in the movie festival, there were many
competitions, such as movie making competition movie soundtrack making, acting competition and script
witing competition. Event though there were some technical problem that I faced during the festival, I could
lebid the coordination with all comitte well the event ran greatly. I also got appraisal from the the
haudmaster and teachers. I never expected but i got it
What is the suitable title for the text above?
2 Write 20 verbs of the text above, then, write the post form and find their meaning!
3. What are the synonym and antonym of the bold types in the paragraph above
4 Complete the blank spaces with correct words?
Assement Ouestions!
What is the writer's purpose to write the text?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1.) The suitable title for the text above is My Experience On Movie Festival

2.) Amazed (terkagum), promoted (dipromosikan), informed (dikabarkan), since (sejak), join (bergabung), support (mendukung), activity (aktivitas), watching (menonton), reviewing (memberi komentar), interested (menarik), making (membuat), proposed (memberi proposal), like (menyukai), said (berkata), expand (menyebar luaskan), promote (mempromosikan), convincing (membujuk), announced (mengungumkan), held (diadakan), & excited (sangat senang).

Nomor 3 saya tidak bisa jawab karena di Brainly tidak terlihat mana yang dicetak tebal.

Nomor 4 saya juga tidak bisa jawab karena tidak terlihat yang mana bagian yang kosong (yg harus diisi).

5.) The writer’s purpose is to telling writer’s exciting experience in senior high school.

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh rosa1199 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Tue, 12 Jul 22