"hello! My name is Zifa. I am going to tell

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rizqiyahlailiazimatu pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

"hello! My name is Zifa. I am going to tell you about many things in my bedroom. I have a rectangular bed,two square pillows,and yellow cylindrical bolster. That wall there id a circular clock,and also a hexagon frame.Last, I have pentagon carpet"soal:

1. what is shape of her bad?
a) rectangular
b) Beam
c) round
d) square

2. how many pillows does she have,and what shape is it?
a) two,square
b) three,square
c) two,rectangle
d) three,rectangle

3. what is the name of Pentagon shaped object?
a) bed
b) pillow
c) clock
d) carpet

4. what is the shape of her frame?
a) triangle
b) hexagon
c) pentagon
d) cube

5. where are the object that Zifa tould us?
a) living room
b) dinning room
c) bedroom
d) kitchen

tolong di jawab yaaa Kakak kakak​

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maaf kalo salah:)

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Last Update: Wed, 30 Jun 21