Normal Form

[Solved] Normal Form | Typescript - Code Explorer |
Question : normal form

Answered by : syed-nayeem-ridwan

{"tags":[{"tag":"textarea","content":"In relational dbms, it is used to\n- Reduce redundancy \/ duplications\n- Increase speed of transactions\n- Improves integrity\n- mostly used 1NF, 2NF, 3NF\n\n1 NF:\n- First normal form\n- Each cell contains single value\n- Each row is unique\n\n2NF:\n- Second normal form\n- Database must be in 1NF\n- Separata table for values that occur frequently in multiple rows for same column\n- Make sure to connect the separate table with a foreign key\n\n3NF:\n- Third normal form\n- Database must be in 2NF\n- If a column in a table does not depend on that table's primary key, \n\tthen separate that unrelated column\n- Make sure to connect the separate table with a foreign key","code_language":"whatever"}]}

Source : | Last Update : Sun, 26 Feb 23

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