Resize Image React Native

[Solved] Resize Image React Native | Scala - Code Explorer |
Question : react native asign width to image

Answered by : dayana

import { Dimensions } from "react-native";
const win = Dimensions.get('window');
<Image style={{ width: win.width/2, height: win.width/2, resizeMode: "contain", alignSelf: "center", borderWidth: 1, borderRadius: 20, }} source={{uri:''}} resizeMode="stretch"

Source : | Last Update : Wed, 11 Nov 20

Question : resize image react native

Answered by : joyous-jellyfish-5y93x7cfm3h4

 flex: 1, width: 50, height: 50, resizeMode: 'contain' 

Source : | Last Update : Mon, 11 Jan 21

Question : resize image react native

Answered by : lovely-lynx-lgr2p2j7i9ft

image : {	width : null,	resizeMode : 'contain',	height : 220	}

Source : | Last Update : Wed, 16 Dec 20

Question : resize image react native

Answered by : joyous-jellyfish-5y93x7cfm3h4

	flex: 1, width: 50, height: 50, resizeMode: 'contain' 

Source : | Last Update : Mon, 11 Jan 21

Question : react native asign width to image

Answered by : dayana

First import Dimensions from react-native
import { Dimensions } from 'react-native';
then you have to get the dimensions of the window
const win = Dimensions.get('window');
Now calculate ratio as
const ratio = win.width/541; //541 is actual image width
now the add style to your image as
imageStyle: { width: win.width, height: 362 * ratio, //362 is actual height of image

Source : | Last Update : Wed, 11 Nov 20

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