Ruby Gem Uninstall

[Solved] Ruby Gem Uninstall | Haskell - Code Explorer |
Question : uninstall gem

Answered by : mysterious-mantis-2t9yeiqzzhwz

# Install GEM
gem install fog	# latest
gem install fog -v 1.8	# specific version
gem install rails -v 7.0.3	# specific Rails GEM (see below for use)
# Uninstall GEM
gem uninstall fog	# latest
gem uninstall fog -v 1.8	# specific version
# Use specific version of Rails
rails _7.0.3_ new my_app
# Install multiple GEMs with specific versions
gem install rubocop-ast:1.0 rubocop:1.0

Source : | Last Update : Sat, 17 Dec 22

Question : uninstall gem

Answered by : akshay-kakade

# for a general uninstall
gem uninstall <gem-name>
# remove all old versions of the gem
gem cleanup <gem-name>

Source : | Last Update : Mon, 04 Jul 22

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