
[Solved] Graphq | Groovy - Code Explorer |
Question : graphql

Answered by : christopher-graves

 query { getPriceBook(ItemId:"SKU0001") { ItemId BasePrice ChannelId } }

Source : | Last Update : Wed, 06 Jul 22

Question : graphql

Answered by : kenan238

Graphql: A query language
So you know about REST APIs, they can have endpoints, you can
post data or get data from those endpoints
-- /users/:id/
-- /foo/baz/bar
But when things grow, more and more endpoints are required, and
a lot of unnecessary data is fetched, like when we want to get a an author's
books from a book id, you will send a request to /books/:id to get your book
(2 roundtrips from client/server), with more
unnecessary data that you don't need such as the release date, sales ....
Then you get the author id, make ANOTHER request to /authors/getprofile/:id to
get the author with more data you don't wanna fetch (4 roundtrips total),
and then you wanna get all their books, ANOTHER request to
/books/fromauthor/:id, it's now 6 roundtrips! But now with graphql
we have one, single, endpoint /graphql where we can send a query,
query { author { books }
2 roundtrips, one single endpoint, one request, boom!
GraphQL is developed by Facebook and the community, released in 2015,
has many implementations in many languages
-- npm i graphql

Source : | Last Update : Sun, 24 Jul 22

Question : GraphQL:

Answered by : sumit-rawal-ig4gaypbyn28

{"tags":[{"tag":"p","content":"Allows clients to specify exactly what data they need, and receives only that data\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"Uses a single endpoint to access multiple resources\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"Has its own query language that allows for complex data fetching and manipulation\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"Can support real-time updates via subscriptions\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"Can be more efficient than REST in certain situations, particularly for mobile devices with limited bandwidth\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"Caching can be more fine-grained and easier to manage than with REST\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"Requires more setup and configuration than REST, and may require more expertise to use effectively  "}]}

Source : | Last Update : Sat, 20 May 23

Question : graphql

Answered by : dfg

{ project(name: "GraphQL") { tagline }

Source : | Last Update : Wed, 27 Jul 22

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