What Is Graphql

[Solved] What Is Graphql | Groovy - Code Explorer | yomemimo.com
Question : graphql

Answered by : christopher-graves

 query { getPriceBook(ItemId:"SKU0001") { ItemId BasePrice ChannelId } }

Source : | Last Update : Wed, 06 Jul 22

Question : What is GraphQL? When to use it?

Answered by : sumit-rawal-ig4gaypbyn28

{"tags":[{"tag":"p","content":"GraphQL is a query language for APIs that was developed by Facebook in 2012 and released as an open-source project in 2015. It was originally created to address limitation and shortcomings of REST.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"GraphQL allows clients to define the structure of the data they need, and servers to respond with exactly that data, without any unnecessary data. It\u2019s often used as an alternative to RESTful APIs, particularly for scenarios where the client needs fine-grained control over the data that\u2019s returned.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"Here are some scenarios when GraphQL is a good choice:\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"When you want to reduce network traffic as GraphQL allows clients to specify exactly what data they need, which can reduce the amount of unnecessary data that\u2019s transmitted over the network.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"When you need to support a wide variety of clients because GraphQL supports strongly-typed queries, which can be used to ensure that clients receive the correct data in a format they understand.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"When you need to support real-time updates as GraphQL supports real-time updates via subscriptions, which allow clients to receive updates as soon as they\u2019re available.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"When you need to support complex queries and data manipulation: because GraphQL allows clients to perform complex queries and data manipulation operations, such as filtering, sorting, and aggregation, with a simple syntax.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"When you need to support versioning because GraphQL supports versioning by allowing clients to specify the version of the schema they\u2019re using in their requests, which can make it easier to maintain backward compatibility as the schema evolves over time.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":"Overall, GraphQL is a powerful and flexible protocol that can be a good choice for scenarios where fine-grained control over data and real-time updates are important. However, it may require more setup and configuration than RESTful APIs, particularly if you\u2019re working with multiple programming languages or platforms.\n "},{"tag":"p","content":""}]}

Source : | Last Update : Sat, 20 May 23

Question : graphql

Answered by : kenan238

Graphql: A query language
So you know about REST APIs, they can have endpoints, you can
post data or get data from those endpoints
-- /users/:id/
-- /foo/baz/bar
But when things grow, more and more endpoints are required, and
a lot of unnecessary data is fetched, like when we want to get a an author's
books from a book id, you will send a request to /books/:id to get your book
(2 roundtrips from client/server), with more
unnecessary data that you don't need such as the release date, sales ....
Then you get the author id, make ANOTHER request to /authors/getprofile/:id to
get the author with more data you don't wanna fetch (4 roundtrips total),
and then you wanna get all their books, ANOTHER request to
/books/fromauthor/:id, it's now 6 roundtrips! But now with graphql
we have one, single, endpoint /graphql where we can send a query,
query { author { books }
2 roundtrips, one single endpoint, one request, boom!
GraphQL is developed by Facebook and the community, released in 2015,
has many implementations in many languages
-- github.com/graphql
-- graphql.org
-- npm i graphql

Source : | Last Update : Sun, 24 Jul 22

Question : grepper subscription required

Answered by : code-grepper

{"tags":[{"tag":"p","content":"You have reached your max daily Grepper answers. <a href=\"https://www.grepper.com/subscriptions.php\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Upgrade to professional </a>to view more Grepper answer today."},{"tag":"p","content":"<a href=\"https://www.grepper.com/api/view_product.php?hl=1&amp;pid=42\" target=\"_blank\" rel=\"nofollow\">Upgrade To Grepper Professional</a>"}]}

Source : | Last Update : Mon, 27 Mar 23

Question : graphql

Answered by : dfg

{ project(name: "GraphQL") { tagline }

Source : https://graphql.org/ | Last Update : Wed, 27 Jul 22

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