Instructions Continue your project to present recommendations to your client by

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari kayleealberti40 pada mata pelajaran Wirausaha untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

InstructionsContinue your project to present recommendations to your client by completing these tasks.
20 points
Task 2: Determine your client’s target market. For the purpose of this assignment, decide what demographics you will focus on for the marketing strategies you will be recommending. (Hint: Refer back to Unit 8, Lesson 5 for information about target markets.) Using the 5 Ws, conduct a market analysis for your client. This needs to be specific to what you are focusing on as your topic. For example, the business’s target market may be older adults, but the promotion you are focusing on may be directed at bringing in new customers that are younger.
Who are your potential customers? Here you will want to identify as many demographics as possible. Demographics are statistical information about a customer group including age, race, religion, gender, family makeup, ethnicity, income or occupation, and education level.
What drives your target market to make a purchase? You will also want to study customer behavior. Lifestyle information, such as what hobbies they enjoy, is especially helpful. Pinpointing a segment’s buying patterns is important. What is your target market spending their money on?
When and Where are your potential customers more likely to buy products? Possible answers to this question include regularly, seasonally, through a subscription, and even randomly. Will they be buying products online, in-store, or at their work?
Why would customers buy from you instead of competitors? Figuring out what advantages you have over others targeting the same market will provide a competitive edge.
By utilizing the questions above, determine the target market and describe it here. (5-10 sentences)
20 points
Task 3: Create a SWOT analysis for your client. (Hint: Refer to Unit 8, Lesson 3 to review competitive analysis.) Use the questions below to brainstorm your client’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Fill out the table. Include at least three examples in each box.
What do we do best?
Which of our processes are successful?
What resources/advantages does our business have?
Do others say we are good at anything?
What is our greatest accomplishment to date?
What could we improve on?
In what areas could training help?
What (skill, resource, process, ability) are we lacking?
What do our customers complain about?
What strengths and weaknesses could we turn in to opportunities?
Are there trends we could be taking advantage of?
What market changes or customer need could we capitalize on?
Who are our current competitors?
What or who might cause problems for us in the future?
What threats do our weaknesses expose?)

20 points
Task 4: Create a marketing mix for your client. Depending on what you are focusing on, it could be highlighting a new product or promoting a special event. Use the 5 Ps or 5 Cs to plan your marketing mix. (Hint: Refer to Unit 5, Lessons 2 and 3 and Unit 8, Lesson 6 to review marketing mix.) Describe each one below. (5-10 sentences)

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Soal ini merupakan kelanjutan dari soal lainnya. Oleh sebab itu maka penyelesaian soal bertumpu pada penyelesaian soal sebelumnya yang sayangnya tidak disertakan pada soal. Oleh sebab itu, sulit untuk menjawab soal sesuai kehendak penanya. Adapun instruksi pertanyaan ini dalam bahasa Indonesia adalah sebagai berikut:

Lanjutkan proyekmu untuk menyajikan rekomendasi kepada klien dengan menyelesaikan tugas-tugas ini. Taksnya adalah:

  • Task 2. Tentukan target pasar klienmu. (Petunjuk: Lihat kembali ke Unit 8, Pelajaran 5 untuk informasi tentang target pasar).
  • Task 3. Buat analisis SWOT untuk klienmu. (Petunjuk: Lihat Unit 8, Pelajaran 3 untuk meninjau analisis persaingan.)
  • Task 4. Buat bauran pemasaran untuk klienmu. (Petunjuk: Lihat Unit 5, Pelajaran 2 dan 3 dan Unit 8, Pelajaran 6 untuk meninjau bauran pemasaran).


Untuk menyelesaikan Task 2, Task 3 dan Task 4, penjawab harus mengacu pada Task 1 yang memuat informasi mengenai jenis usaha dari klien dan sejumlah informasi lainnya agar bisa menentukan target pasarnya, analisis SWOT-nya dan juga bauran pemasarannya (marketing mox). Informasi yang dimuat pada Task 2, 3 sampai 4 hanya berisi perintah dan tak memuat informasi mendasar mengenai usaha klien.

Pelajari Lebih Lanjut



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Last Update: Sun, 22 Jan 23