My Giant Rafflesia Flower Have you ever seen a

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My Giant Rafflesia Flower Have you ever seen a Rafflesia? Rafflesia is a name of flowers. It's found in Indonesia and Malaysia. No wonder there's Rafflesia in my front yard. Let me describe my Rafflesia. Rafflesia is known as the largest flower in the world. It's true because my Rafflesia is almost 7 kilograms in weight. Its width is up to 91 centimetres. It is 46 centimetres long. The flower is pink in colour with petals 3 centimetres thick. You won't find a stem, leaf, and root in the flower. It's unique, isn't it? Plants commonly do photosynthesis to get food. However, Rafflesia doesn't use such a process. How Rafflesia obtain its food? There are grape vines on Rafflesia. The tropical grape vines have tissue. Rafflesia produces food from the tissuewhat does the text talk about?

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The text is talking about the Rafflesia Flower


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Last Update: Wed, 25 May 22