Bonnie dixon 123 mission hills houston, tx 11 february 2021

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Bonnie dixon 123 mission hills houston, tx 11 february 2021 travis barnes customer service manager airpod electronics ltd. 789 east riverside austin, tx dear ms. dixon, i am writing to complain regarding the defect in airpod music player purchased on 11 january 2021 from your online store. the music player worked properly for one month but it has not been functioning properly for the past three day. the sound breaks whilst the songs are being played and the system hangs multiple times. moreover, the songs stop playing abruptly and require the system to be restarted. since the music player is still in the warranty period of one year, i wish to get it replaced. i have enclosed a copy of the proof of purcase for you’re reference. i look forward your response. thank you very much. yours truly, bonnie dixon bonnie dixon

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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The text above is a letter of complaint written by Bonnie Dixon to Travis Barnes the customer service manager of Airpod Electronics. In his letter Bonnie Dixon complain about his malfunctioning airpod music player he purchased from the store. He asked the store to replace the unit because it's still in warranty period. And he attached with the letter the copy of purchasing proof.


Teks di atas adalah letter of complaint atau surat pengaduan atas produk yang rusak pada masa garansi. Dalam letter of complaint tersebut harus disebutkan barang apa yang rusak, apa saja keluhannya, dan sertakan pula bukti-bukti pembeliannya. Letter of complaint termasuk ke dalam surat menyurat formal sehingga memakai bahasa yang formal pula.

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Last Update: Tue, 16 Aug 22