I, fill the blank ( only one word ) 1. I

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nailanada3012 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

I, fill the blank ( only one word )1. I _____ the clothes every Saturday
2. She _____ the windows every weekend.
3. We _____ the dishes every afternoon.
4. He _____ the floor every day.
5. My sister _____ the laundry twice a week.
6. My father _____ the bed every morning.
7. They _____ water the plants every day.
8. My brother _____ take out the trash on Monday.
9. You _____ tidy up the room every day.
10. When _____ you clean your house?
11. My brother and I _____ mount Arjuno this holiday.
12. Does _____ drink enough mineral water every day?
13. She does not _____ violin, she plays piano.
14. We always _____ on karaoke once a month.
15. On 17th August, we always _____ our independence day in city hall. 16. My mother and I _____ to market every morning.
17. Every morning, my mother always _____ me up on 5 a.m
18. The train to Jakarta _____ at 19.50 this evening.
19. _____ she go to the same college as Nanda?
20. _____ Andrea and Martha work at the weekend?

bantuu yaaaa

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. dry

2. opens

3. wash

4. sweep

5. uses

6. makes

7. always

8. usually

9. always

10. do

11. Hike

12. He

13. plays

14. sing

15. celebrate

16. go

17. wakes

18. leaves

19. Does

20. Do

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Last Update: Thu, 16 Feb 23