Mengapa garis yang menghubungkan kedua ujung busur lingkaran disebut dengan

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Mengapa garis yang menghubungkan kedua ujung busur lingkaran disebut dengan tali busurtolong dibantu ya​

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>>> Mathematics

> The bowstring is one of the elements of a circle, A chord is a straight line connecting two points on the circumference of a circle, The chord is also a part of the boundary in a circular section, A chord of a circle can connect two points from anywhere on its circumference.

Explain: The chord of a circle is a straight line that lies on the curvature of the circle. It can be concluded that the diameter is definitely a chord because the string connects two points on the circle The sphere also has a chord, Shich is the line space connecting the two points on the sphere, Build a spherical space has two formulas that can be used, namely the formula to calculate the volume and also the formula to calculate the area of the sphere.

  • 23 October 2022

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Last Update: Sat, 21 Jan 23