How do companies provide regulatory information to new employees?

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How do companies provide regulatory information to new employees?

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Companies have various ways to provide regulatory information to new employees. One common way is through training and onboarding programs. During these programs, new employees are introduced to the company’s policies, procedures, and expectations, including those related to regulatory compliance.

In addition to training and onboarding programs, companies may also provide regulatory information through employee handbooks, internal communications, and regular training updates. Some companies may also have a dedicated compliance team or officer responsible for ensuring that employees are aware of and understand relevant regulations.

It’s important for companies to provide regulatory information to new employees because it helps ensure that the company is operating in compliance with relevant laws and regulations. This can help prevent legal and financial consequences for the company and its employees.


Referensi web: smartsheet, delloitte, powerdms

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Last Update: Wed, 16 Aug 23