1. My sister _________ a new computer next month. A.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari davaguevara720 pada mata pelajaran Ujian Nasional untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. My sister _________ a new computer next month. A. buy B. buys C. will buy D. is buying 2. The teacher is not in the classroom. She _________ here in a few minutes. A. will be B. is C. is going D. be 3. Vero : The homework is too difficult for me. _________ help me tonight? Fany : I’m afraid I can’t. I am going to visit my uncle. A. do you B. did you C. are you D. will you 4. Vero _________ a new fridge next month. A. buy B. is going to buy C. bought D. buys 5. Mom : Can you mow the lawn tomorrow? Dea : Sorry, Mom. I can’t. Mom : Why? Do you have another plan? Dea : Yes, I _________ an extension class at school. A. join B. joined C. am going to attend D. am attending Contoh Soal Simple Future Tense 6. _________ you _________ this script for me? A. Will, translate B. Are, translating C. Did, translate D. Do, translate 7. Wait a minute! I_________ you something. A. am giving B. did nont give C. give D. will give 8. She _________ your message because she is mad at you. A. not reply B. will not reply C. replied D. not going to reply 9. Teacher : Please do assignment for tomorrow because I won’t be able to teach. Student : Where will you go? Teacher : I _________ to Yogyakarta for a teacher conference. Student : Alright. A. am going to B. go C. went d. will be going 10. Vero : When will you return my movie disc? Fany : I _________ you movie disc tonight. Vero : Okay, I’ll wait for it. A. return B. do not return C. will return D. am not returningbantu jawab:)yg bsa b.inggris​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. My sister will buy a new computer next month. (C).

2. The teacher is not in the classroom. She is going here in a few minutes. (C).

3. Vero : The homework is too difficult for me. Will you help me tonight? Fany : I’m afraid I can’t. I am going to visit my uncle. (D).

4. Vero is going to buy a new fridge next month. (B).

5. Mom : Can you mow the lawn tomorrow?

Dea : Sorry, Mom. I can’t.

Mom : Why? Do you have another plan?

Dea : Yes, I am going to attend an extension class at school. (C).

  • Simple Future Tense

6. Will you translate this script for me? (A).

7. Wait a minute! I will give you something. (D).

8. She will not reply your message because she is mad at you. (B).

9. Teacher: Please do assignment for tomorrow because I won’t be able to teach.

Student : Where will you go?

Teacher : I will be going to Yogyakarta for a teacher conference. (D).  Student : Alright.

10. Vero : When will you return my movie disc? Fany : I will return your movie disc tonight. (C).

Vero : Okay, I’ll wait for it.


Kalimat di atas bagian yang kosong diisi dengan simple present tenseatausimple future tense. Simple present tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang dilakukan secara rutin atau menyatakan fakta. Sedangkan simple future tense digunakan untuk menyatakan kegiatan yang akan dilakukan di masa yang akan datang.

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Last Update: Sat, 06 May 23