The text mainly tells us about ....(A) an interesting moment

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The text mainly tells us about ....(A) an interesting moment with a pet hamster
(B) an experience to take care of a pet
(C) an exercise with a pet hamster
(D) the tips to raise a hamster

What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
(A) Scruffy was nocturnal
(B) Scruffy slept all the time
(C) The writer exercised Scruffy
(D) The hamster found the lost key

Where did Scruffy find the key?
(A) In his cage
(B) In the bicycle
(C) On the wheel
(D) Under the bed

What does the writer do with Scruffy in his spare
(A) Talks to him
(B) Exercises with him
(C) Sleeps together all day
(D) Gives him a bicycle ride​
The text mainly tells us about ....(A) an interesting moment with a pet hamster(B) an experience to take care of a pet(C) an exercise with a pet hamster(D) the tips to raise a hamsterWhat is the main idea of the last paragraph?(A) Scruffy was nocturnal(B) Scruffy slept all the time(C) The writer exercised Scruffy(D) The hamster found the lost keyWhere did Scruffy find the key?(A) In his cage(B) In the bicycle(C) On the wheel(D) Under the bedWhat does the writer do with Scruffy in his sparetime?(A) Talks to him(B) Exercises with him(C) Sleeps together all day(D) Gives him a bicycle ride​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


(A) An interesting moment with a pet hamster

(D) The hamster found the lost key

(D) Under the bed

(A) Talks to him

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Last Update: Thu, 29 Jul 21