Describe the different types of computers. what is the most

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Describe the different types of computers. what is the most common type? what are the types of personal computers?

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There are 4 different types of computers.  

  1. Supercomputers are the fastest computers,  but at the same time are the very expensive ones. This type of computer is usually used on scientific research centers.
  2. Mainframe Computers can cater numerous users and support programs happening at the same time. This type of computer is usually used by governments and large organizations.
  3. Minicomputers can cater to users ranging from 4 to 200 simultaneously. This type of computer is the mid-sized one.
  4. Microcomputers can cater to one user at a time. This type of computer is the most common type because they are not that costly.

The most common type of computer is the microcomputer or also known as the personal computer.  

Types of Personal Computers

Towel Model  

Handheld Model

Desktop Computer

Notebook Computer

Laptop Computer

Netbook Computer

Tablet PC Model


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Last Update: Wed, 14 Sep 22