Does each of the following describe a physical change or

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari nopitafy4874 pada mata pelajaran Ujian Nasional untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Does each of the following describe a physical change or a chemical change.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. "Melting an ice cube." This describes a physical change because the ice cube is changing from a solid to a liquid, but its chemical composition is not changing.

2. "Burning a piece of paper." This describes a chemical change because the paper is reacting with oxygen to produce heat, light, and ash, which are all different substances than the original paper.

3. "Cutting an apple into slices." This describes a physical change because the apple is being physically altered (cut into slices) but its chemical composition is not changing.

4. "Mixing vinegar and baking soda." This describes a chemical change because the vinegar (an acid) and baking soda (a base) are reacting to produce carbon dioxide gas and water, which are different substances than the original vinegar and baking soda.

5. "Freezing water to make ice." This describes a physical change because the water is changing from a liquid to a solid, but its chemical composition is not changing.

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Last Update: Fri, 31 Mar 23