buatlah 10 kalimat simple present tense yang mengandung mental verbs​

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Buatlah 10 kalimat simple present tense yang mengandung mental verbs​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


Dalam penggunaannya, simple present tense menggunakan kata kerja bentk pertama atau Verb 1 dengan imbuhan s/es ketika bersubjek orang kedua tunggal maupun berbentuk to be untuk menunjuk sebuah tindakan.


  1. (+) They get up late every Friday.
  2. (-) They don't get up late every Friday.
  3. (?) Do they get up late every Friday?.
  4. (+) I go to Yogyakarta twice a week.
  5. (-) I don't go to Yogyakarta twice a week.
  6. (?) Do you go to Yogyakarta twice a week?
  7. (+) We watch television every night.
  8. (-) We don't watch television every night.
  9. (?) Do we watch television every night?
  10. (+) He often snores while sleeping
  11. (-) He does not often snore while sleeping.
  12. (?) Does he often snore while sleeping?
  13. (+) Donald works in his office every day.
  14. (-) Donald doesn't work in his office every day.
  15. (?) Does Donald work in his office every day?
  16. (+) She speaks English every day.
  17. (-) She doesn't speak English every day.
  18. (?) Does She Speak English every day?.
  19. (+) My Brother is a teacher.
  20. (-) My Brother is not a teacher
  21. (?) Is your father a teacher?
  22. (+) My cat is always hungry.
  23. (-) My cat is not always hungry.
  24. (?) Is your cat always hungr
  25. (+) We sleep in the bedroom every night.
  26. (-) We don't sleep in the bedroom every night.
  27. (?) Do we sleep in the bedroom every night?.
  28. (+) She reads a storybook in the library.
  29. (-) She doesn't read a storybook in the library.
  30. (?) Does she read a storybook in the library?.

Itulah 10 contoh kalimat present tense. Selamat belajar bahasa Inggris.

contoh yang mengandul mental verbs

  • I don’t recognize the girl you talked to earlier
  • I don’t recognize the girl you talked to earlier(Aku tidak mengenali gadis yang bicara dengan kamu tadi)
  • She believes she can win the debate competition
  • She believes she can win the debate competition(Dia yakin kalau dia bisa menang kompetisi debat)
  • Bella happy when his name was called as the winner of the competition
  • Bella happy when his name was called as the winner of the competition(Bella bahagia saat namanya terpanggil sebagai pemenang kompetisi)
  • Ani is sad that her shoes are missing
  • Ani is sad that her shoes are missing(Ani sedih karena sepatunya hilang)
  • My mother really loves my father
  • My mother really loves my father(Ibuku sangat menyayangi ayahku)

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Last Update: Wed, 18 Jan 23