Tentukan nilai x apabila diketahui fungsi 2x2-3x+1 , gx=x-1 dan

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Tentukan nilai x apabila diketahui fungsi 2x2-3x+1 , gx=x-1 dan fogx=0

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Tentukan nilai x apabila diketahui fungsi 2x2-3x+1 , gx=x-1 dan fogx=0

Let's first find the value of g(x) by substituting x into the expression for g(x):

g(x) = x-1

Next, let's find the value of f(g(x)) by substituting g(x) into the expression for f(x):

f(g(x)) = 2(g(x))^2 - 3(g(x)) + 1

Substituting the expression for g(x) into this equation, we have:

f(g(x)) = 2((x-1))^2 - 3(x-1) + 1

Expanding this equation, we have:

f(g(x)) = 2(x^2 - 2x + 1) - 3x + 3 + 1

Simplifying, we have:

f(g(x)) = 2x^2 - 6x + 6

We are looking for the value of x such that f(g(x)) = 0. Setting f(g(x)) = 0, we have:

2x^2 - 6x + 6 = 0

This equation can be factored as (2x-3)(x-2) = 0. Therefore, the possible values of x that satisfy this equation are x = 2 and x = 3/2. So the answer is x = 2 or x = 3/2.

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Last Update: Wed, 08 Mar 23