4. Dialogue: Mr. Charles : University of Padjadjaran’s Library, this

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari runlafirunlafi pada mata pelajaran Ujian Nasional untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

4. Dialogue:Mr. Charles : University of Padjadjaran’s Library, this is Mr. Charles speaking.
Alice : Good afternoon, Mr. Charles. This is Alice. I’d like to ask about reserving book online.
Mr. Charles : Sure, Ms.Alice. ______________________________?
Alice : Yes, its Alice Smith.
Mr. Charles : _______________________?
Alice : It’s 210210090011
Mr. Charles : Oke. ________________________________?
Alice : I’ve been trying to reserve a book online, but I could not seem to find. I think there should’ve
been a mistake because I’ve seen the book once in the library.
Mr. Charles : So sorry for the trouble you’re having, Ms. Let me help you with that.
Alice : The title is “Komunikasi Interpersonal”
Mr.Charles: Who is the author from this book Miss?
Alice: So sorry Mr. Charles, __________________________.
Mr. Charles: Its oke. I will try to find this book. You can wait for a minute.
Alice : Yes, Mr. Charles. ____________________________.
- Please decide appropriate sentences to fill in the blank dialog
- Explain to which library service this conversation took place.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

1. The appropriate sentences are:

  • Mr. Charles: May I have your name, please?
  • Mr. Charles: And your phone number?
  • Mr. Charles: OK, now could you tell me what seems to be the problem?
  • Mr. Charles: What's the title of the book?
  • Alice: I forgot the author's name.
  • Alice: Thank you for your help.

2. This conversation took placetohelp desk service of the Padjadjaran University based on the dialog.


Dalam dialog di atas yang terjadi adalah seseorang bernama Alice meminta bantuan kepada help deskdi sebuahlibrary atau perpustakaan (dalam dialog disebutkan perpustakaan universitas Padjadjaran), untuk mencari sebuah buku yang tidak dapat dia cari secara online. Lalu bagian help desk, dalam dialog tersebut bernama Mr. Charles membantunya untuk mencari buku tersebut berdasarkan judul yang dia berikan.  

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Last Update: Fri, 23 Sep 22