Khusus yang pintar b.inggris.untuk teks 10-13we should keep our health

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari rara37147 pada mata pelajaran Ujian Nasional untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Khusus yang pintar b.inggris.untuk teks 10-13
we should keep our health to have a happy life. regular exercise is good for our health. we can jog TO have stronger lungs. we can also swim IN ORDER TO have strong muscles and stay in shape.
don't forget to do a warm up before doing any exercise,SO THAT we will not get muscle injury. always eat various health home-made foods well IN ORDER TO stay healthy. besides that, we should always keep our home and environment clean IN ORDER there are not mosquitos and harmful bacteria.​
Khusus yang pintar b.inggris.untuk teks 10-13we should keep our health to have a happy life. regular exercise is good for our health. we can jog TO have stronger lungs. we can also swim IN ORDER TO have strong muscles and stay in shape.don't forget to do a warm up before doing any exercise,SO THAT we will not get muscle injury. always eat various health home-made foods well IN ORDER TO stay healthy. besides that, we should always keep our home and environment clean IN ORDER there are not mosquitos and harmful bacteria.​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


No 10: A. Living a healthy life

No 11: C. To have stronger lungs

No 12: C. Do warm-up before exercise

Yang nomor 13 saya kurang yakin tapi kayaknya yang B


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Last Update: Mon, 21 Feb 22