definition. 1. If you drop something, •a. you take it

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari MythicGenius pada mata pelajaran Ujian Nasional untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

definition. 1. If you drop something, •a. you take it and give it to someone. •b. it suddenly breaks into many pieces. • c. it is not far away. . 2. If a place is local, •d. it falls to the ground. 3. If something explodes, 4. If you deliver something ​
definition. 1. If you drop something, •a. you take it and give it to someone. •b. it suddenly breaks into many pieces. • c. it is not far away. . 2. If a place is local, •d. it falls to the ground. 3. If something explodes, 4. If you deliver something ​

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Last Update: Thu, 25 Aug 22