apa yg dimaksud dengan iklan media cetak dan iklan media

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Apa yg dimaksud dengan iklan media cetak dan iklan media elektronik ​
apa yg dimaksud dengan iklan media cetak dan iklan media elektronik ​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

Answer: Print Media Advertising

Print ads are advertisements that are posted and created using print technology.

Electronic Media Advertising

Electronic advertisements, namely advertisements that are distributed using electronic media.

Explain: Example of Print Media Ads

= There are several kinds, namely: in newspapers, in magazines or posters about advertisements and public advertisements

Example Of Electronic Media Advertising

= There are several kinds: advertisements on television, radio advertisements, advertisements on mobile phones, etc

Example: Selling Cheap Honey At Affordable Prices 100% Has Many Benefits With 60% Discount Let's Buy This Honey At Low Prices Many Benefits

Example: New! Samsung Galaxy S20 Fe With Snapdragon 865 for sale with good specifications, suitable for playing games, Facebook and social heroes for sale at 30% price, buy now, what are you waiting for.

{ \boxed{ \boxed{ \green{Ko \: te \: tumanako \: ka \: awhina \: tenei :)}}}}

Answer: Print Media AdvertisingPrint ads are advertisements that are posted and created using print technology.Electronic Media AdvertisingElectronic advertisements, namely advertisements that are distributed using electronic media.Explain: Example of Print Media Ads= There are several kinds, namely: in newspapers, in magazines or posters about advertisements and public advertisementsExample Of Electronic Media Advertising= There are several kinds: advertisements on television, radio advertisements, advertisements on mobile phones, etcExample: Selling Cheap Honey At Affordable Prices 100% Has Many Benefits With 60% Discount Let's Buy This Honey At Low Prices Many BenefitsExample: New! Samsung Galaxy S20 Fe With Snapdragon 865 for sale with good specifications, suitable for playing games, Facebook and social heroes for sale at 30% price, buy now, what are you waiting for.[tex]{ \boxed{ \boxed{ \green{Ko \: te \: tumanako \: ka \: awhina \: tenei :)}}}}[/tex]Answer: Print Media AdvertisingPrint ads are advertisements that are posted and created using print technology.Electronic Media AdvertisingElectronic advertisements, namely advertisements that are distributed using electronic media.Explain: Example of Print Media Ads= There are several kinds, namely: in newspapers, in magazines or posters about advertisements and public advertisementsExample Of Electronic Media Advertising= There are several kinds: advertisements on television, radio advertisements, advertisements on mobile phones, etcExample: Selling Cheap Honey At Affordable Prices 100% Has Many Benefits With 60% Discount Let's Buy This Honey At Low Prices Many BenefitsExample: New! Samsung Galaxy S20 Fe With Snapdragon 865 for sale with good specifications, suitable for playing games, Facebook and social heroes for sale at 30% price, buy now, what are you waiting for.[tex]{ \boxed{ \boxed{ \green{Ko \: te \: tumanako \: ka \: awhina \: tenei :)}}}}[/tex]Answer: Print Media AdvertisingPrint ads are advertisements that are posted and created using print technology.Electronic Media AdvertisingElectronic advertisements, namely advertisements that are distributed using electronic media.Explain: Example of Print Media Ads= There are several kinds, namely: in newspapers, in magazines or posters about advertisements and public advertisementsExample Of Electronic Media Advertising= There are several kinds: advertisements on television, radio advertisements, advertisements on mobile phones, etcExample: Selling Cheap Honey At Affordable Prices 100% Has Many Benefits With 60% Discount Let's Buy This Honey At Low Prices Many BenefitsExample: New! Samsung Galaxy S20 Fe With Snapdragon 865 for sale with good specifications, suitable for playing games, Facebook and social heroes for sale at 30% price, buy now, what are you waiting for.[tex]{ \boxed{ \boxed{ \green{Ko \: te \: tumanako \: ka \: awhina \: tenei :)}}}}[/tex]

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Last Update: Sat, 01 Jan 22