13. look at the picture! jean: hi' boy! what do

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari arifrahman56208 pada mata pelajaran Ujian Nasional untuk jenjang Sekolah Dasar

13. look at the picture!jean: hi' boy! what do you do?
boy: hi' Jean, i help my father?

A. make a bed
B. watering the plants
C. sweep the yard
D. take a bath

14. look at the picture! after have a lunch, i?

A. dust the table
B. wash the dishes
C. feed the cat
D. brush the teeth​
13. look at the picture! jean: hi' boy! what do you do?boy: hi' Jean, i help my father?A. make a bedB. watering the plantsC. sweep the yardD. take a bath14. look at the picture! after have a lunch, i?A. dust the tableB. wash the dishesC. feed the catD. brush the teeth​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.

13.B.Watering the plants

14.C.Feed the cat

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Last Update: Mon, 21 Feb 22