4 What is meant by a descriptor in a device

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4 What is meant by a descriptor in a device driver? What role does the descriptor play when a new memorystick, for example, is plugged into a USB port of a computer for the first time?

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In a device driver, a descriptor is a data structure that contains information about a specific device, such as its type, capabilities, and characteristics. Descriptors are used by the operating system to communicate with a device and to load the appropriate device driver.

When a new memory stick is plugged into a USB port of a computer for the first time, the operating system uses the descriptors in the memory stick to identify the device and to load the appropriate device driver. The descriptors contain information about the device, such as its vendor and product IDs, device class, and interface class. The operating system uses this information to locate the appropriate driver for the device and to configure the device for use.

The descriptor plays a critical role in the device enumeration process, which is the process of identifying and configuring devices that are connected to a computer. By providing information about the device to the operating system, the descriptor helps to ensure that the device is properly recognized and configured for use.

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Last Update: Sat, 13 May 23