Being a Senior Cloud Engineer of the company, you are

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Being a Senior Cloud Engineer of the company, you are asked to launch a managed MySQL DB using custom VPC with network range of on Google Cloud keeping security at utmost priority allowing team members to access it only over a private channel.You completed the setup with all the requirements, but developers are unable to access DB over the private network via application hosted on VM. What can be the reason?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Jawaban & Penjelasan:

Forwarding zones

Cloud DNS forwarding zones let you configure target name servers for specific private zones. Using a forwarding zone is one way to implement outbound DNS forwarding from your VPC network.

A Cloud DNS forwarding zone is a special type of Cloud DNS private zone. Instead of creating records within the zone, you specify a set of forwarding targets. Each forwarding target is an IP address of a DNS server, located in your VPC network, or in an on-premises network connected to your VPC network by Cloud VPN or Cloud Interconnect.

A does not apply, that is to provide internet access to resources

C, does not apply

D, I don't get it

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Last Update: Sun, 18 Sep 22