sebutkan 3 contoh program yang termasuk dalam word processing selain

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Sebutkan 3 contoh program yang termasuk dalam word processing selain Microsoft Word​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


>>> Technology

  • Number 1

Google Docs: Google Docs is a popular word processing program that offers a cloud-based solution for creating, editing, and sharing documents. It offers features like real-time collaboration, built-in templates, and integration with other Google apps.

  • Number 2

Apple Pages: Apple Pages is a word processing program that is part of the iWork suite of productivity tools. It offers a range of templates and design tools, as well as integration with other Apple apps like iCloud and iBooks Author.

  • Number 3

LibreOffice Writer: LibreOffice Writer is a free and open-source word processing program that offers a range of features for creating, editing, and formatting documents. It supports a wide range of file formats, including Microsoft Word, and offers a customizable user interface.

  • 7 March 2023

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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jun 23