Mengapa media sosial (internet) dapat merekonstruksu identitas diri seseorang??​

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Mengapa media sosial (internet) dapat merekonstruksu identitas diri seseorang??​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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>>> Sociology

Social media (internet) can reconstruct a person's identity because it allows individuals to choose how they want to present themselves to others. People can create profiles that reflect their characteristics and interests, and choose the content they want to share. This allows someone to reconstruct or create a new identity that is different from their real-life identity.

Social media (internet) can reconstruct a person's identity because it allows individuals to choose how they want to present themselves to others. People can create profiles that reflect their characteristics and interests, and choose the content they want to share. This allows someone to reconstruct or create a new identity that is different from their real-life identity.Furthermore, social media provides a certain level of anonymity to its users, allowing them to express themselves freely without fear of judgement or consequences. This anonymity can encourage people to explore different aspects of their personalities and experiment with different identities.

  • 7 March 2023

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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jun 23