Teknik Apakah Yang Di Gunakan Untuk Menjernihkan Air Di Bawah

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Teknik Apakah Yang Di Gunakan Untuk Menjernihkan Air Di Bawah IniAir Berbau
Air Bergaram
Air Mengandung Logam
Air Berlumpur
Air Saluran Irigasi Sawah
Air Kotor
Air Mengandung Besi
Air Mengandung Kuman
Air Keruh
Air Mengandung Organisme Kecil Kecil​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


>>> Chemistry

Here are some techniques that can be used to purify water with different water quality problem:

  • Number 1

Smelling Water: A technique that can be used to purify smelly water is the use of activated carbon or zeolite. Zeolite can absorb odors in water.

  • Number 2

Salt Water: To purify water that is too salty, you can use Reverse Osmosis (RO) or Demineralization.

  • Number 3

Water Containing Metals: A technique that can be used to purify water containing metals such as iron, copper, zinc, and so on is to use a precipitation process, filtering with zeolite or activated carbon, or using Reverse Osmosis technology.

  • Number 4

Muddy Water: To purify muddy water, this can be done by filtering it with sand or activated carbon media.

  • Number 5

Paddy Field Irrigation Water: Paddy irrigation canal water can be clarified by using a process of settling and filtering using sand and activated carbon media.

  • Number 6

Dirty Water: To purify dirty water, filtering technology can be used such as filtering with zeolite, activated carbon, or by using a Reverse Osmosis systcan

  • Number 7

Iron-Containing Water: To purify iron-containing water, you can use precipitation or filtering techniques using sand and activated carbon media.

  • Number 8

To purify water that contains germs, there are several ways that can be done, namely by heating Germs in water can be killed by heating the water to a high enough temperature, which is around 70°C - 100°C. However, this method is only effective for killing certain germs.

  • Number 9

There are several ways to clear cloudy water, including filtration techniques can be carried out using sand, activated carbon, or ceramic filters.

  • Number 10

There are several ways to purify water that contains small organisms, including the filtering technique can be carried out using a sand filter

  • 7 March 2023

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Last Update: Mon, 05 Jun 23