1. The water is as cold as ice. 2. The blue

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari KarelKuniawan203 pada mata pelajaran Seni untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

1. The water is as cold as ice.2. The blue whale is bigger than the elephant
3. The blue whale is the biggest animal on earth.
4. The chimpanzee is more intelligent than the dolphin.
5. The lion is stronger than the tiger.
6. The turtle is slower than the duck.
7. Alicia is as young as Jeanny.
8. Clara is older than Alexio.
9. Alicia is the shortest of all her friends.
10. Winda is shorter than Jeanny, but she is taller than Alicia.
11. Marthin is the tallest of all.
1. The water is as cold as ice.
2. The blue whale is bigger than the elephant
3. The blue whale is the biggest animal on earth.
4. The chimpanzee is more intelligent than the dolphin.
5. The lion is stronger than the tiger.
6. The turtle is slower than the duck.
7. Alicia is as young as Jeanny.
8. Clara is older than Alexio.
9. Alicia is the shortest of all her friends.
10. Winda is shorter than Jeanny, but she is taller than Alicia.
11. Marthin is the tallest of all.

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1. 10

2. 5

3. 5

4. 6 is more intelligent than 2

5. 4 is stronger than the 3

6. 11 is slower than 12

7. 8

8. 9 is older than 7

9. 8

10. 8

11. 8


ini aku sudah labeli gambarnya, ga terlalu paham sama soalnya... coba komen klo misal aku keliru

Jawaban:1. 102. 53. 54. 6 is more intelligent than 25. 4 is stronger than the 36. 11 is slower than 127. 88. 9 is older than 79. 810. 811. 8Penjelasan:ini aku sudah labeli gambarnya, ga terlalu paham sama soalnya... coba komen klo misal aku keliru

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Last Update: Tue, 11 May 21