Essay II !In the first meeting, I gave uassignment to

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari mediwahyudi11 pada mata pelajaran Seni untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Essay II !In the first meeting, I gave u
assignment to make text about
Narrative text. Now You mush
identify each paragraph about
generic structure of the text !​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.) Orientation

Orientation or so-called introduction, contains about who, when, where a story is set.

2.) Complication

Complication tells the beginning of the problem that causes the peak of the problem or what is commonly known as the climax. This section usually involves the main character of the story.


This section is the end of the story or in the form of a solution to the problem that occurred. Problems can be solved can be for better or even worse which will make the story end happily or vice versa.

Sometimes, there are resolutions which are other problems to solve. It is deliberately created by the author to increase and maintain interest and tension for the readers. Usually, this type of resolution is found in the mysteries and horror genres.


The part is the closing of a story which is optional. Re-orientation can contain moral lessons, suggestions or teachings from the author.

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Last Update: Mon, 12 Jul 21