I havea new neighbour,mr.rendera .He lives Next-door to me. He

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I havea new neighbour,mr.rendera .He lives Next-door to me. He lives with his wife and sons ,andi and Dodik.mr.rendra is a civil servant and Mrs.rendra is a housewife.mr.rendra is A hardworker. beside working as a civil servant,he also runs a small business. His wife helpshim run the business too. mr. rendera's family is always happy. they love each other. They always share everything together. mrs. rendera takes good care of her sons. Although mr. rendera is busy,he never forgts to pay attention to his two sons. mr rendera's family is frendly. they get on well with their nighbour. they are also helpbful. they often help the poor. of course, all people here know and like them. 1. the text is about... a.the writer and his/her neighbour b. the writer's new nighbour c. mr. rendera's sons d. mr.rendera​

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b. the writer's new nighbour

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Last Update: Thu, 22 Jul 21