Cheese a. b.1...happy yesterday morning&d. isb Wase, AreWere2. The children

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari diazqomarulhidayah pada mata pelajaran Seni untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Cheese a. b.1...
happy yesterday morning
d. is
b Was
e, Are
2. The children at school last Sunday
b. Was
e Are
3. They (amve) in Karatu last night
dware ante
e Amves
Was Amve
4. You went to school yesterday aterogative form)
a Did you went to school yesterday
b. Did you gone to school yesterday
e Did you go to school yesterday?
d. Do you went to school yesterday?
Do you go to school yestaday?
3. The bank was open last Saturday ( Negative for
The bank was not open last Saturday
b. The bank ware not open last Saturday
The bank did not open last Saturday
d. The bank do not open last Saturday
e. The bank are not open last Saturday
6. "He has swum in the swimming pool for two hour."
The interogative form of the sentence is
Is he swun in the swimming pool for two hours?
b. Does he swim in the swimming pool for two hours?
c. Had he swam in the swimming pool for two hours?
d Has he swun in the swimming pool for two hours?
e. Did he swam in the swimming pool for two hours?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Last Update: Fri, 20 Aug 21