4 Complete the dialogues. Use the past simple or the

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari solehinsyamsul6704 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

4 Complete the dialogues. Use the past simple or the present perfect simple.1 A: Last night!
(go) to a boxing match!
B: Oh. I
(already be) to two boxing matches.
2 A: Do you know that Joe
(work) at the sports arena for fifteen years?
B: Really? I thought he
(start) working there five years ago.
3 A:
(you / ever meet) a famous athlete?
B: Well,
(see) Laila Ali box,
A: Wow! I
(watch) her father, Muhammad Ali, fight once. Sadly, he doesn't
box anymore.
4 A: Tony
(break) his leg!
B: Really? How
(it happen)?
A: He
(fall) while he was skiing.
5 A: Yesterday !
(leave) the flat and
(ride) my bike
to the gym. Then
(realise) that 1
(not have)
my trainers with me.
B: Oh, no! That
(happen) to me before. What
(call) Mum to bring them to me.
6 A: How long ago
(you / begin) coaching baseball?
B: Ten years ago. I
(recently take) a team to the national finals ...
and we

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1 A: Last night I went to a boxing match!

B: Oh. I  have already been to two boxing matches.

2 A: Do you know that Joe  has worked at the sports arena for fifteen years?

B: Really? I thought he  started working there five years ago.

3 A:  Have you ever met a famous athlete?

B: Well,  I have seen Laila Ali box,

A: Wow! I  watched her father, Muhammad Ali, fight once. Sadly, he doesn't

box anymore.

4 A: Tony  broke his leg!

B: Really? How  did it happen?

A: He  fell while he was skiing.

5 A: Yesterday I left the flat and  rode my bike

to the gym. Then, I realized that I  didn't have my trainers with me.

B: Oh, no! That  happened to me before. What  did you do?

A: I called Mum to bring them to me.

6 A: How long ago did you begin coaching baseball?

B: Ten years ago. I  have recently taken a team to the national finals ...

and we  won!


Untuk nomor 6.B jawabannya juga bisa menggunakan Simple Past Tense karena keduanya benar, menjadi:

6.B: Ten years ago. I recently took a team to the national finals and we won!

Rumus Present Perfect Tense:

(+) Subject + Have/Has + Verb-3 + Object

(-) Subject + Have/Has + not + Verb-3 + Object

(?) Have/Has + Subject + Verb-3 + Object + ?

Rumus Simple Past Tense:

(+) Subject + Verb-2 + Object + Adverb of Time (yesterday)

(-) Subject + did + not + Verb-1 + Object + Adverb of Time (yesterday)

(?) Did + Subject + Verb-1 + Object + Adverb of Time (yesterday) + ?

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Last Update: Sat, 03 Jul 21