nEdu IIC IL6My name is Beno and this is my

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari habibirosyiq pada mata pelajaran Sejarah untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Pertama

My name is Beno and this is my classroom. My classroom is large. It is also clean. I feel
comfortable to study in my class. nom. There are two big whiteboards in front of the class.
There are twenty five tables and chairs for students. The desk and chair for the teacher is in
front of the class. They are put in the corner of the room. There are some heroes' pictures,
president and vice president pictures hanging on the wall. There is also a clock too. There
is a cupboard to save some books and other writing equipments. Above the cupboard, there
is a globe. I really like my classroom. Thanks God I have a classroom like my classroom
1. Whose classroom is this?

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Last Update: Fri, 27 Aug 21