Apa alasan Muso dan Amir Syarifudin ingin merubah Indonesia menjadi

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Apa alasan Muso dan Amir Syarifudin ingin merubah Indonesia menjadi negara komunis​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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>>> History

Muso and Amir Syarifudin were both influential figures in the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) during the early years of Indonesia's independence. They, along with many other members of the PKI, believed that communism was the best way to achieve social and economic equality in Indonesia. There were several reasons why Muso, Amir Syarifudin, and others in the PKI wanted to turn Indonesia into a communist country:

  • Number 1

Anti-Colonialism: Many of the early communists in Indonesia saw communism as a way to resist the colonial powers that had occupied Indonesia for centuries. They believed that communism could help to create a more independent and self-sufficient Indonesia.

  • Number 2

Economic Justice: The PKI argued that communism was the best way to achieve economic justice for the Indonesian people. They believed that capitalism was inherently exploitative and that only a socialist system could provide for the needs of the masses.

  • Number 3

Social Equality: Communism also promised social equality, which was particularly attractive to Indonesians who had experienced discrimination based on ethnicity, religion, or social class.

  • Number 4

Labor Rights: The PKI was strongly committed to labor rights and saw communism as the best way to protect workers from exploitation by employers.


It's important to note that not all Indonesians supported the PKI's vision of communism, and that there were significant political and social divisions within the country. Ultimately, the PKI's attempts to seize power were met with violent resistance from the Indonesian military, leading to a purge of communists and suspected communists that resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people.

  • 3 March 2023

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Last Update: Thu, 01 Jun 23