The statement is correct about Irene, except....​

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The statement is correct about Irene, except....​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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Irene is an extremely depressed young woman who works as a security guard in the USCIS building, which Natasha visits. She takes her time looking through people's belongings, as that often causes them to look at her—these brief moments of connection keep Irene's crushing loneliness at bay. After spending a week checking Natasha into the building, Irene finally decides to investigate Natasha's phone case, which is the album art for the Nirvana album Nevermind. Though Irene doesn't like the cover, she later listens to the album and researches the tragic life of Nirvana's lead singer, which causes her to decide to commit suicide. She ends up not following through after Lester Barnes informs her that Natasha called to thank her (Irene was slow to check Natasha in, which made Natasha late to her appointment and consequently allowed her to run into Daniel). Irene doesn't know what Natasha meant to thank her for, but she seeks help and eventually lives out her childhood dream of becoming a flight attendant. On one serendipitous flight, she's the one to reconnect Natasha and Daniel ten years after Natasha saved her life.

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Last Update: Tue, 03 Aug 21