1. Mercury -38.83 °C. (freeze) if the temperature (fall) below 2.

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari taeyonog pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

1. Mercury -38.83 °C. (freeze) if the temperature (fall) below2. If she (sign) the contract, I would be very happy.

3. If 10 day. (know) they were eating, I (meet) them another

4. A balloon (rise) if it is filled with hot air.

5. If the sun (shine), I (go) to school.

6. If I (be) at school, I study) now.

7. If you (not remind) me, I might forget).

8. What (do) if she doesn't come?

9. I wish I (book) the hotel in advance.

10. I wish shel (not be) here now.

11. He wishes he (win) the competition tomorrow.

12. If I not miss) that train, I wouldn't be late now.

13. If I were you, I (return) those books.

14. If Kim were here now, she know) how to launch this.

15. If she (look) at the locator, she wouldn't be lost now.

16. If I were you, I (tell) my teacher all yesterday's stories.

17. If I knew the truth. I (tell) you already.

18. I wished I (not tell) him a single word about this.

19. If I (have) enough money, I would have fixed my old car.

20. If I hadn't met her, I (not know) how lovely she was.

Bantu dong, conditional

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.mercury will freeze if the temperature falls below -38.83

2. if she signed the contract, i would be very happy

3.if i knew they were eating, i met them another day

4. A balloon rises if it is filled with hot air

5. if the sun shines, I go to school

6. if i was at school i would be studying right now

7. if you didn't remind me, i might forgotten

8. what will i do if she doesn't come?

9. i wish i booked the hotel in advance

10. i wish she wasn't here now

11. he wishes he will win the competition tomorrow

12. if i didn't missed that train , i wouldn't be late now

13. if i were you, i would returned those books

14. if kim were here now, she would know how to launch this

15.if she looked at the locator, she wouldn't be lost now

16. if i were you, i would tell my teacher all yesterday's story

17. if i knew the truth I would told you already

18. i wished i didn't tell him a single word about this

19. if i have enough money, i would have fixed my old car

20. if i hadn't met her, i wouldn't knew how lovely she was

Semoga dengan pertanyaan yang sudah terjawab oleh quinnjess2010 dapat membantu memudahkan mengerjakan soal, tugas dan PR sekolah kalian.

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Last Update: Thu, 09 Feb 23