1. Why did Magellan go to the King of Spain?

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1. Why did Magellan go to the King of Spain?2. How many ships did Magellan have when he reached the Philippines?
3. When did one of Magellan’s ships and its crew returned to Spain?
4. When did Magellan die?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


1.because In 1517, a frustrated Magellan renounced his Portuguese nationality and relocated to Spain to seek royal support for his venture. ... Just 18 years old at the time, King Charles I granted his support to Magellan, who in turn promised the young king that his westward sea voyage would bring immeasurable riches to Spain.

2.Magellan and his expedition were the first Europeans to reach the Philippines, a stop on the first circumnavigation of the globe, though Magellan's portion of that journey would soon end. The expedition of five ships and 250 men had left Spain on September 20, 1519.

3.September 1522

After Magellan's death, his crew continued in the single ship that remained, captained by Juan Sebastian Elcano, a Basque. They returned to Spain in September 1522. Along the way, they had encountered a new ocean, mapped new routes for European trade, and set the stage for modern globalism.

4.He wasn't—he outlined the navigation of the voyage, but died en route, during a skirmish in the Philippines. On April 27, 1521, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan was killed by a poison arrow during a skirmish on the island of Mactan in what is now the Philippines.

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Last Update: Sun, 06 Feb 22