a Exercise Fill in the blank with a correct use

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari lusiindahoppo3s pada mata pelajaran SBMPTN untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

a Exercise Fill in the blank with a correct use of conjunctions in the box below unless since but neither. nor as soon as eventough before while that 1. The fire fighters will come possible 2. We studied in this university 2017. 3. I feel very hot today ....... it's a cloudy day, what's wrong with me? 4. Fedya studies English Mathematics 5. Sinta will travel to Mecca she has the money and chance 6. Tita and Rama brush their teeth. they take a bath 7. I cook this cake ...you go 8. They went to school .......... the rain was down heavily. 9. My brother worked hard all day long he can enjoy his holiday this weekend. 10. She'll tell the truth to us she knows the fact​

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

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maaf gak bisa bahasa ingris

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Last Update: Tue, 12 Apr 22