Why Is Music Education Important?"Music gives a type of pleasure

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari yoandhika26 pada mata pelajaran B. inggris untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

Why Is Music Education Important?"Music gives a type of pleasure that human nature cannot do without," said Confucius. Everywhere in the world, entertainment has been characterized by music. It does serve so many crucial purposes that it is now necessary to incorporate it into education as well.
First and foremost, music education gives kids the chance to actively participate in music. With the help of music, people may engage, use their imagination, and learn new abilities. Along with being a lot of fun, this can also result in increased self-esteem.

Furthermore, music also teaches some rafting skills. Hand-eye coordination, reading musical notation (basically leaming a new language), and working with melody, harmony, and rhythm are just a few of the skills you will learn while learning an instrument. Learning an instrument requires a more in-depth approach to listening to and participating in music. It then teaches us how to focus better. Moreover, concentration, combined with a heightened awareness of the practice, results in a more relaxed state. When jazz musician is deep into a solo passage, improvising freely from their

hearts and minds, their eyes may close and a look of focused serenity covers their face. It could even be viewed as a type of meditation allowed to flourish through the interaction of rhythms, melodies, and harmonies.

On the other hand, music has the power to break down social barriers and overcome prejudice. At the turn of the twentieth century, jazz music began to unite the black and white communities in America. It has an impact on education because music provides a forum for children of all abilities and backgrounds to participate, be a part of something creative, make new friends, and develop a wide range of essential skills. Based on those arguments, music education should be at the very heart of our learning
community. Without music, the world could not function.

Why Is Music Education Important?

Jawaban dan Penjelasan

Berikut ini adalah pilihan jawaban terbaik dari pertanyaan diatas.


  1. The thesis of the expository text is that music education is important and should be incorporated into education.
  2. The main idea of paragraph 2 is that learning music teaches various skills such as hand-eye coordination, reading musical notation, and working with melody, harmony, and rhythm.
  3. The function of the text is to explain the importance of music education and how it benefits students.
  4. Students can increase their self-esteem through music education by actively participating in music, using their imagination, and learning new abilities.
  5. The main idea of paragraph 3 is that music education provides a forum for children of all abilities and backgrounds to participate, be creative, make new friends, and develop essential skills.
  6. Students learning music are taught skills such as hand-eye coordination, reading musical notation, and working with melody, harmony, and rhythm.
  7. Music teaches us to focus better by requiring a deep approach to listening and participating in music, resulting in increased concentration and a more relaxed state.
  8. "Prejudice" in the Indonesian language means "prasangka buruk."


  • 1.) Apa thesis dari teks ekspositori ini?

Jawaban: Thesis dari teks ekspositori ini adalah bahwa pendidikan musik penting dan seharusnya diterapkan dalam pendidikan.

  • 2.) Apa ide utama dari paragraf kedua?

Jawaban: Ide utama dari paragraf kedua adalah bahwa belajar musik mengajarkan berbagai keterampilan seperti koordinasi tangan-mata, membaca notasi musik, dan bekerja dengan melodi, harmoni, dan irama.

  • 3.) Apa fungsi teks tersebut?

Jawaban: Fungsi teks tersebut adalah untuk menjelaskan pentingnya pendidikan musik dan bagaimana manfaatnya bagi siswa.

  • 4.) Bagaimana siswa dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri mereka melalui pendidikan musik?

Jawaban: Siswa dapat meningkatkan rasa percaya diri mereka melalui pendidikan musik dengan aktif berpartisipasi dalam musik, menggunakan imajinasi mereka, dan belajar keterampilan baru.

  • 5.) Apa ide utama dari paragraf ketiga?

Jawaban: Ide utama dari paragraf ketiga adalah bahwa pendidikan musik memberikan forum bagi anak-anak dari berbagai kemampuan dan latar belakang untuk berpartisipasi, berkreasi, menjalin persahabatan baru, dan mengembangkan keterampilan penting.

  • 6.) Keterampilan apa yang diajarkan kepada siswa yang belajar musik?

Jawaban: Siswa yang belajar musik diajarkan keterampilan seperti koordinasi tangan-mata, membaca notasi musik, dan bekerja dengan melodi, harmoni, dan irama.

  • 7.) Bagaimana musik mengajarkan kita untuk fokus dengan lebih baik?

Jawaban: Musik mengajarkan kita untuk fokus dengan lebih baik dengan membutuhkan pendekatan yang lebih dalam dalam mendengarkan dan berpartisipasi dalam musik, yang menghasilkan peningkatan konsentrasi dan keadaan yang lebih rileks.

  • 8.) Apa arti dari kata yang ditebalkan dalam bahasa Indonesia?

Jawaban: "Prejudice" dalam bahasa Indonesia berarti "prasangka buruk".

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Last Update: Sun, 18 Jun 23