Narrative text has several features which distinguish, the genre from

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Narrative text has several features which distinguish, the genre from other text type...A. using present perfect tense
B. using past future tense
C. using future perfect tense
D. using simple past tense​

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D. using simple past tense

The correct answer is D. using simple past tense.

Narrative texts typically use the simple past tense to tell a story or recount events that have already happened. This tense is used to describe past actions, events, or experiences in a chronological order. It helps create a sense of time and place, allowing the readers to follow the narrative smoothly.

While other tenses like present perfect tense, past future tense, and future perfect tense may be used in certain parts of a narrative text to provide additional context or describe specific actions, the predominant tense used throughout a narrative is the simple past tense.

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Last Update: Thu, 10 Aug 23