2. De Filare Hotel is a 5 star hotel with

Berikut ini adalah pertanyaan dari ahnadrevoharyado pada mata pelajaran SBMPTN untuk jenjang Sekolah Menengah Atas

2. De Filare Hotel is a 5 star hotel with the total of room : 300 rooms​​On the 4th March 2021 there are 173 rooms occupied, with 2 compliment rooms, 3 Out of order rooms and 1 room was used by the General Manager.
The total Room Revenue for that day is Rp 959.900.000,- Total guests that stay in the hotel are 326 pax. Please find out :
a. Average Room Rate
b. Room Saleable
c. % Occupancy
d. % Double Occupancy
e. Available Room
f. Average guest per room
g. Vacant Room

2. The Roxford Hotel, a 5 star hotel with 341 rooms. On the 15th of March 2021 there are 4 rooms out of order , 77 rooms stayover and 193 room reservations. The percentage of no show has been recently calculated at 2,8%. Based on historical data, 6 understays and 8 overstays are also expected. Please calculate the number of rooms projected to be available for sale on March 15th !

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Last Update: Thu, 24 Jun 21