Protokol yang digunakan pada volp untuk mengirim audio streaming yang

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Protokol yang digunakan pada volp untuk mengirim audio streaming yang berlangsung terus-menerus dan lebih mementingkan kecepatan pengiriman data agar tiba di tujuan tanpa memperhatikan adanya paket yang hilang walaupun mencapai 50%dari jumlah paket yang dikirim kan adalah

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>>> Social Science

The protocol used in VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) to send audio streaming that takes place continuously and is more concerned with the speed of data transmission than the reliability of the data transmission rather than delivery reliability is the UDP (User Datagram Protocol).

UDP is a transport layer protocol used to send data in the form of datagrams from one system to another via an IP network. This protocol does not guarantee delivery of data packets lost will not be recovered or resubmitted. Therefore, UDP is more suitable for applications that require fast data transmission as in VoIP or video streaming, than for applications requiring data reliability such as file transfers or email.

In sending streaming audio on VoIP using the UDP protocol, although packet loss may occur up to 50% of the number of packets sent, but the sending process continues and there is no interruption in the overall sound stream. This is because in VoIP, the speed of data transmission and the accuracy of the arrival of voice are prioritized rather than the reliability of data transmission. Even so, the speed of data transmission must also be adjusted to the conditions of the network used so that there are no delays or other disturbances to the voice flow.

  • 11 March 2023

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Last Update: Tue, 06 Jun 23